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Jul 26, 20183 min read
Tú sabes que las personas tienen problemas, bagajes o complejos, como decimos en español. Bueno, Voy a confesar en este momento y...
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Jul 26, 20183 min read
You know how people have issues, baggage, or complejos as we call them in Spanish. Well, I'm going to confess right now, and let you know...
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Jul 21, 20184 min read
Julio: Tres cosas que me fastidiaron este mes.
La lista siguiente contiene una serie de eventos que se las han arreglado para hacerme desear levantarme y patearle el trasero a alguien....
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Jul 20, 20183 min read
Three Things That Pissed Me Off This Month: July
The Following list will contain a series of events that have managed to make me want to stand up and kick someone’s ass. 1. When parents...
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Jul 10, 20184 min read
Yo sé que todos ustedes han estado esperando por este artÃculo. Estaba obligada a hacerlo. Asà que aquà está. Quiero disculparme de...
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Jul 10, 20184 min read
Blunt Title: Sexuality
I know you’ve all been waiting for this post. It was bound to come. Therefore, here it is. I want to apologize in advance for it not...
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Jul 1, 20183 min read
Y Luego está Beyoncé
Te reto a estar en desacuerdo conmigo cuando digo que la sociedad de hoy en dÃa la tiene difÃcil para crear conexiones reales. También...
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Jun 30, 20183 min read
And Then There's Beyonce
I dare you to disagree with me when I say that society nowadays has a hard time creating true bonds. It has also been brought to my...
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Jun 3, 20183 min read
Sólo Viviré una Vez
Joven, Neurótica y Discapacitada ¿Recuerdas el movimiento YOLO (You only live once - Solo vives una vez) que ocurrió cerca de 2012? Todas...
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Jun 2, 20183 min read
I'll Only Live Once
Young, Neurotic, and Disabled Do you remember the whole YOLO movement that occurred around 2012? Every brand promoted teenagers bungee...
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Jun 1, 20182 min read
Three Things That Pissed Me Off This Month
The Following list will contain a series of events that have managed to make me want to stand up and kick someone’s ass. 1. When people...
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May 31, 20183 min read
Literalmente Brillante
Últimamente, he tenido la súbita urgencia de sumergir mi mano en una bolsa de brillantina… brillantina púrpura para ser exacta. Tal vez...
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May 31, 20183 min read
Lately, I keep having the sudden urge to dip my hand in a bag of glitter… purple glitter to be exact. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been...
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